
Furniture & Equipment Storage
Need to store surplus furniture and equipment without tying up valuable office space? Let HWM store and manage your product for you. With our
“web based” inventory system, you can manage your inventory from any computer connected to the internet.

Offsite Records Storage
If you need a safe and secure space to store confidential records or just want to free up some storage space, HWM has the solution with our records management program. HWM will work with you to establish a program that allows you access while ensuring the maximum protection of your confidential records. Confidential destruction is also available as records become inactive. Knowing that your records are safe and secure allows you more time to focus on your business.
What is the biggest benefit your customer will get from this? Keep your target audience in mind.
Offsite Records Storage
If you need a safe and secure space to store confidential records or just want to free up some storage space, HWM has the solution with our records management program. HWM will work with you to establish a program that allows you access while ensuring the maximum protection of your confidential records. Confidential destruction is also available as records become inactive. Knowing that your records are safe and secure allows you more time to focus on your business.
What is the biggest benefit your customer will get from this? Keep your target audience in mind.

Shipping & Receiving Services
HWM can receive product for your company as well as ship your existing product to other facilities as needed.